New Moon on November 2nd at 9 degrees of Scorpio
Scorpio energy drops us into a bottomless rock pool where mysterious creatures dwell. We know instinctually that we cannot touch the bottom. Nevertheless we are drawn in by an intense curiousity.
We all have the sign Scorpio ruling one of the houses in our birthchart. This New Moon invites meditation on the topics of that house.
To find out house is ruled by the sign Scorpio in your own birthchart you can use a free programme like You can also book a reading with me or another reputable Astrologer for a full interpretation.
Scorpio rules Power
Scorpio rules both personal and collective power. Watch for themes of domination & subordination emerging around the time of the Scorpio New Moon.
An intense opposition between Mars & Pluto is also coming into orb now. This 180 degree aspect heralds an examination of the ‘right use’ as well as the abuse of Power.
For example: we have the bizarre spectacle of the American election, the disgusting war in the middle east and some heinous news stories involving Celebrity sexual misconduct. These events are exposing many shadowy abuses of Power.
So what about the ways of exploring the correct use of Power? How is Power manifesting positively in the world?
As we move into the next two decades of Pluto in Aquarius we can expect to see more examples of collective intelligence. We are learning more mature ways to communicate as we learn to trust in the group. Have you noticed a move away from ‘top-down’ decision making to decisions being made by those who are affected?
In our families we can challenge ourselves to be honest with each other. We are learning to listen beneath the surface and hear what is really being said. We are developing more accurate insight. We have learned to check in with each other to see if our intuition is correct.
Being honest with ourselves deepens our capacity to be honest with each other.
Self honesty through a Scorpionic lens is not intellectual but requires acceptance of the body mind. Understanding who we are as animals, as human animals. From the heart to the bowel. Our digestive system processes thoughts and emotions as well as food. We are making friends with our guts. Learning to be safe in the darkness as we lean into discomfort. This is an internal discomfort and we are owning it.
We can face our own shadows, fears and trauma with courage.
Here is a short YouTube clip by gun violence survivor Nurjahen Boulden about processing heavy feelings in the body through dance.
Mars is the God of War while Pluto is the God of the Underworld.
November 4th at 12:22 am Mars will oppose Pluto from 29:45 Cancer to 29:45 Capricorn. Mars will ingress Leo later that day around 5pm.
So here we are dropping deeper still. If we can do that inner work we have a better chance of catching ourselves acting out.
Mars is the traditional ruler of Scorpio ( and Aries ) while Pluto is the modern ruler of Scorpio.
Mars is hot, driven by instinct and impulsive while Pluto is cold, calculating, and compulsive.
There is a larger story playing out. Through focusing on what is important we will bring healing to the world we live in. We can each take one step alone and then one step together. Factions may rise, but they will not last.
We are wise and discerning. If you haven’t studied some form of objective thought or critical thinking this is a good time. Learn to see all sides to every issue. Find yourself in each viewpoint.
Make opinions and decisions about what is right and wrong while avoiding self righteousness.
Practise being wrong.
Learn to say sorry, I wasn’t listening to what you said, or I didn’t understand can you please say it another way.
If you feel you are ‘right’, stop, breathe, surrender and try seeing it from another point if view. Practise questioning your indignation.
Mars + Pluto can be seen as a sacred partnership of Will and Courage.
Mars will be taking us on quite a journey these next months and I will continue to share about it in my upcoming posts.
I wish you all the best for an expansive New Moon in Scorpio. May the force of love, truth and self honesty be with you.
love Kārena
UPcoming events 2025
Taranaki - January 9th - Festival of Lights, Pukekura Park. Mystical Sound Journey and Yoga.
Taranaki - January 11th - Astrology workshop in the Bellringer Pavillion.12pm - 4pm. Full Details tbc.
Northland - February 14-16 2025 - Moon Woman Menopause Retreat.
I am available for Astrology Readings and Music Lessons over Zoom or in person in Auckland. Please go to for more information.
On a personal note - I turned 60 recently and I am very proud to be still here on Earth. I am incredibly grateful for all the ones who fill my days with their medicine.
Thanks for reading and as always your comments are very welcome.
I’d like to complete by sharing my song Divinity with you - It seems very appropriate for this moment where we are all figuring out what is really important.
Thanks for another Good One, Karena. I'm really feeling it... I have uranus/pluto/mars loosely conjunct opposite my natal saturn which has retro'd back to it's return from earlier in the year, so yes the critical eye of the judge is looking at... >hot, driven by instinct >calculating, compulsive and dangerous... I am trying to learn to contain all this! Had a big energy input somewhat contained, a little less manic. Now the energy is blasting out on youtube instead LOL Still needs more editing and containment, measured release of content... contain the fire so it can keep me warm longer...
I love what you say about being wrong. I have taken as a practice these last few years to look for opportunities to say, when in retrospect it becomes clear, YOU WERE RIGHT! I WAS WRONG! It is actually such a relief to let go of the need to be right. Such a pleasant relief, and a nice gift to someone who I was previously disagreeing with about something. A real pleasure when I got used to it...
Thanks for your work!